Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cities drought-proofed, farms and farmers left to die.

Water trains can provide relief to residents in Chennai. But what about 600 million people reeling under drought in rest of the country? 

As millions of Chennai residents are faced with a severe water crisis, Tamil Nadu is requesting Kerala to supply two million litres of drinking water every day. Chief Minister E K Palaniswami said his government has also decided to ferry by train 10 million litres of drinking water daily from Vellore to Chennai for the next six months. While extraordinary steps are being taken the meet the water exigency in the metropolis, in neighbouring Karnataka, a few kilometres outside Bangalore city, life comes virtually to a standstill. With 88.6 per cent of Karnataka -- 156 of the 176 -- hit by a raging drought, it will take several years for the rural economy to bounce back if the rain gods do not play truant in future.

Karnataka’s Economic Survey 2018-19 has painted a distressing scenario. It has projected a negative growth rate of minus 4.8 per cent in agriculture. With a shortfall of 22 per cent pre-monsoon rains between March to the end of May, and a total deficit of 41 per cent in southwest monsoon rains till June 19 across the country, agriculture in the southern peninsula – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and Goa – has been badly hit because the rainfall deficit encountered in these areas is a lot higher at 56 per cent. A joint survey to access the loss suffered in the rabi season is underway in most places. Delayed and scanty rains expectation in the weeks to come may add on to the prevailing rural distress.

While Bangalore is among the four metropolis -- the other three being, Chennai, Hyderabad ad Delhi -- that will run out of ground water by 2020, as per a NITI Aayog report, the city requires 1,400 million litres per day with reports penning the current availability at an average of 65 litres per capita per day. Strangely, while the rest of the state has been reeling under a series of drought – at least for 12 years in the past 18 years at a stretch, Bangalore city remains insulated. This is despite 79 per cent of its water bodies drying up in the past four decades. Hyderabad too doesn’t give an iota of the terrible water crisis prevailing on either side of the city in Telengana and Andhra Pradesh – a clear reflection of the drought-proofing accomplished over the years in urban areas.

In Maharashtra, where 72 per cent of the state is engulfed in a severe drought, some consider it to be the worst since 1972, the total crop loss in rabi production has been pegged at 63 per cent as compared to a year before. The output of cereals has fallen by 68 per cent, pulses by 51per cent, oilseeds 70 per cent, wheat 61per cent, and maize by 75 per cent. As per Economic Survey 2018-19, agricultural output in Maharashtra had declined by minus 8 per cent. Such is the magnitude of the water crisis that more than 50,000 farmers in Ahmednagar district alone have abandoned their homes and migrated to live in the 500 makeshift cattle camps that have been set up. When there is no water for daily use, and crop fields had turned barren what else could have been expected from the villagers, who find it safe to move into the cattle camps. There are at least 10 lakh cattle in the 1,500 cattle camps that have been set up across the state.

Numerous reports have highlighted the grave water crisis that prevails in Maharashtra where water guzzling sugarcane crop alone consumes as much as 76 per cent of the available ground water. And yet I haven’t seen any effort to encourage farmers to shift from sugarcane to other less water consuming crops. Ironically, not more than 6 per cent of Maharashtra’s cultivable land is occupied by sugarcane. This is primarily because of the politically powerful sugar lobby, which is not willing to make a change in business proposition. 

Since While 60 per cent of the orange orchards have also reportedly dried up in Marathwada region, the prediction of a shortfall in monsoon rains expected in the central regions of the country adds up to the prevailing rural misery. No wonder, Maharashtra has officially recorded 12, 021 farmer suicides in the past four years. Yet, farmers have not given up on hope, returning to their villages to plough their land and be prepared in time for the rains to arrive. Cotton sowing in the famous black cotton soils should finish by the first week of July, any further delay in sowing would be detrimental.

With 43.4 per cent of the country reeling under a drought affecting 600 million people, the continuing drought in several parts of the country – Jharkhand for instance had faced seven consecutive years of drought till 2017 – the prevailing rural misery and continuing distress over the years cannot be even imagined. But with the cities being increasingly insulated from the drought that prevails in the countryside, the dominant narrative very conveniently shifts to the decline in rural consumption as if it is a measure of rural deprivation. That the tractor sales have fallen by 31 per cent in the southern states is being seen as economic fallout of the continuing drought. Similarly, the slump in sales of cars and automobiles occupies larger space in the media.

The human cost of the resulting rural tragedy has never been estimated. Perhaps an indication was provided by the Economic Survey 2016 when it worked out the average farm income in 17 states of India, roughly half the country, at Rs 20,000 a year. In other words, on an average a farm family was somehow surviving in half the country on less than Rs 1,700 per month. That is why farmers in Maharashtra have been quoted as saying in the media: “People have stopped expecting a decent life.” #

Cities drought-proofed, farms and farmers left to die. Deccan Herald. June 23, 2019 


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