Monday, June 24, 2019

Inflammatory language blocks discourse
An edited version of my previous column (see below) was recently published in the Los Angeles Times. Despite this, I have not yet "gone Hollywood."

I received a reply email from a LA Times reader who, in my view, missed the point of my piece. His email to me is at bottom; my response is here.

My purpose in writing this brief column was not to argue about immigration policy. There are plenty of voices on both sides doing that. Rather, I wanted to make it clear that the tone of the discourse matters, that when liberals use phrases like “concentration camp,” they inflame already heated partisans, and further polarize our society. The same can be said of conservatives who label immigrants “illegal,” a phrase contained in your letter. Conservatives use “illegal” pejoratively, to smear new arrivals with a broad brush that implies criminality.

Both liberals and conservatives hide behind the technical definitions of these terms. Yes, technically, some immigrants have broken the law, and the detention centers may be concentration camps. But we know the baggage that this language carries—the dog whistles that appeal to partisans on both sides of the political spectrum.

Until we can rid our society of inflammatory language on both sides, how can we even begin a substantive discussion about reforming our broken immigration system?

Sincerely, etc.


Subject: Re:Opinion - No "concentration". LATimes Jun 17, 2019

Dear Mr. Youngblood,

Notwithstanding you may be an erudite person, you still struggle to grasp the meaning the words "Legal and illegal" .

When I immigrated to USA (many moons ago) I had to wait three months for my passport and four months for my visa. I was vetted by the American Consulate on three different occasions. When I landed at JFK (NYC), I was "interrogated", again, by the immigration officer for 30 minutes. I had to carry my card describing the assigned military status (in the Country) in case of National call. 

Now we have 1000s of Illegal immigrants, crashing through our boundaries and they are living in a "sanctuary" State. A baby that is born (illegal parents) here, receives free medical accommodations at the County hospital and per diem to the parents.

I was hit twice by one of my new "compatriots" that had no car insurance and no license.

My business took me around the World, and on many occasions I was vetted by the local Police even though I had a valid passport and visa (E.g., Israel, Argentina, Paraguay...etc).

It does not matter wether you are a liberal, a leftist or an anarchist; in my eyes your "liberalism" is a tantamount of subversion. I am quite sure that some of your relatives when they first arrived here, went through "physical hell" and embarrassment when they had to go through immigration one by one in State Island. It was deplorable, Yet, they did not strike, destroy properties or raise our flag upside down. They worked an average of 10 to 14 hours daily, worse than slavery, and yet they tried to learn English and show a devotion the the Country that gave them a place to live.

If you reply, please, "educate me" about where I am wrong. Back to my Grandfather, again, he used say, "it is never late to get an education"


(Name withheld)

P.S. Forgot to mention that when I travelled,  I had to menage to communicate with their language. There were no push one or push two. Its unjustifiable or permissible that the majority of the so called "immigrants" do not attempt to speak English. It would like me, entering your residence and dictate to you how to live in your house. What would be your reaction? A benevolent and pious welcome? I sincerely doubt. You would call the Police immediately and have me arrested for "trespassing"!


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