Thursday, November 22, 2018

Providing An Assured Monthly Income is the First Step Towards Addressing Agrarian Crisis

A decade after Avtar Singh committed suicide unable to bear the pressure to repay farm loan; his two sons took the same fatal route. Roop Singh, 40, and his younger brother Basant Singh, 32, jumped into the Bhakra canal in Punjab. They were residents of Patiala district in Punjab.

Two generations of the family were consumed by the scourge of mounting farm debt. While the two sons ended their lives in November 2017, their father had died some 10 years earlier, in 2008. Both the brothers together owned 2.5 acres of land and were cultivating another 30 acres on contract. But unable to generate any profits, the outstanding debt continued to swell. After all, how long can a farmer be expected to draw credit from multiple sources to repay the initial loan amount. The vicious cycle of mounting indebtedness eventually takes its toll.

There is hardly a day when reports of farmers committing suicide do not appear in Punjab newspapers. Punjab, the country’s food bowl, is no exception; the serial death dance across the country shows no signs of abating. The tragedy that struck these farming families symbolises the
agony that the entire farming community is living with. There is hardly a day when farm suicides are not reported from one part of the country or other. In the past 21 years, more than 3.20-lakh farmers have committed suicide; every 41 minute a farmer ending his life somewhere in the country. Those who have refrained from taking the extreme step are no better. They continue to somehow survive, living in acute distress, and hoping against hope. Several studies have shown that almost 58 to 62
per cent farmers sleep empty stomach.

Farmers are in reality the victims of an economic design. A recent report by CRISIL points to the denial of a rightful income as the major reason behind the agrarian crisis sweeping through the country. “While the average annual growth in Minimum Support Price (MSP) was 19.3 per cent between 2009 and 2013, it was only 3.6 per cent between 2014 and 2017,” the report states. This minimal increase in the MSP does not even correspond to the annual rise in DA for the government
employees. In order to keep food inflation under control, successive governments have denied farmers their rightful income. The entire burden of keeping food prices low has been very conveniently passed on to farmers. In other words, it is the farmers who are bearing the entire
cost of subsidising the consumers. Farmers are being deliberately paid less, kept impoverished. Still, what farmers don’t realise is that every time they take to cultivation, they actually cultivate losses.

The Commission for Agricultural Cost and prices (CACP) computes the net returns. Let’s try to see whether the net returns have increased. In Maharashtra, which has been faced with massive silent protests by Marathas, and which I believe is the primary reason for the discontent, the net return per hectare for paddy is Rs 966, which means if worked on a monthly basis it will come to less than Rs 300 a month. For Ragi, Maharashtra farmers actually incur a loss of Rs 10,674 per hectare; for Moong (minus Rs 5,873); for urd (minus Rs 6,663). Even for cotton, the net return is only Rs 2,949 per hectare. Considering that cotton is sown in June and its harvesting begins in October, with the
pickings going on to November, December or even January, the average income per month from cultivating cotton comes to a paltry Rs 700 per hectare. 

Viewed from the national level, the net returns for crops like paddy, sugarcane, maize, and cotton have actually declined in the past three years. For most of the dryland crops, the returns are in the negative. If the farmer is destined to harvest losses, I wonder what kind of technological and financial support can bail them out. Giving them more credit, even if it comes from institutional agencies/banks, has only pushed them further into a debt trap. As a former Prime Minister Chaudhury Charan Singh had once remarked: A farmer is born in debt and dies in debt.

The mandate for CACP, which works out the MSP for various crops, is not only to provide an assured price to farmers but also to ensure that it does not lead to inflationary pressures. The prices therefore are deliberately kept low, and in many cases are actually less than even the cost of production that the farmers have to entail. This economic design is not in any way peculiar to India, it is global. As John F Kennedy had once remarked: “Farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale and pays for freight both ways.” But what is not being realised is that farmers in US/Europe are being paid massive subsidies, including Direct Income Support. In
India, farmers only receive input subsidies which actually benefit the manufacturers.

The entire burden of keeping food prices low has been very conveniently passed on to farmers. In other words, it is the farmers who are bearing the entire cost of subsidising the consumers. While farmers were denied their rightful income, huge salary jumps were provided to other sections of the society. From a monthly salary of Rs 90 per month in 1970, the salary of school teachers for instance jumped by 280 to 320 times by the year 2015, a period of 45 years. In the same period, salary of
government employees went up by 120 to 150 times; and that of college professors by 150 to 170 times. Wheat price for farmers on the other hand has increased by a paltry 19 times in the same period.

Farm incomes remain almost frozen or bare enough to cover only the cost of production. Keeping food prices low is also in consonance with the dominant economic thinking aimed at drastically reducing the work force in agriculture.

This is what the World Bank had desired way back in 1996. It had expected 400 million people to be moved out from the rural to the urban areas in India by the years 2015. Since every World Bank loan comes with roughly 140 to 150 condionalities, each loan re-emphasised the urgency to move farmers out of agriculture. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had time and again expressed the need to shift 70 per cent farmers. Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan used to say that the biggest reforms would be when farmers are moved out of agriculture, to meet the ever-growing demand of cheaper labour for the infrastructure industry. The National Skill Development Council already has spelled out plans to bring down the population in farming from the existing 52 per cent to 38 percent by 2022. For all practical purposes, debt and farming have now become synonym.

Seventy years after Independence, and 55 years after the Green Revolution was launched, economic freedom continues to elude farmers. Economic Survey 2016 made it abundantly clear. Accordingly,
the average income of a farming family in 17 States of India does not exceed Rs 20,000 a year. In other words, farming families in roughly half the country are surviving on less than Rs 1,700 a month. Knowing that it is not possible to rear a cow in the same amount, I shudder to think how
these families survive year after year. 

It is generally believed that expanding irrigation and raising crop productivity is the way to enhance farmers’ income. If irrigation and high productivity alone could raise farmers’ income I see no reason why Punjab, the food bowl of the country, has lately turned into a suicide hotspot. Punjab has 98 per cent cultivable area under assured irrigation and the crop productivity matches with the best in the world. With 45 quintals per hectare productivity of wheat and 60 quintals/hectare for rice, Punjab tops the global chart. And yet, Punjab is witness to a spate of suicides every week. Policy planners have refrained from looking beyond raising crop productivity as the answer to the worsening agrarian

I am of the firm opinion that a tinkering here and there is not going to address the agrarian crisis. It needs a holistic approach, a paradigm shift in economic thinking. To begin with, the effort should be to make farming economically viable. After all, everything boils down to how much net income a farmer gets in his hand at the end. Therefore, three steps that immediately need to be considered are:

1) The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, which works out the MSP for crops, should be directed to factor in 4 allowances in the MSP being paid to farmers – House allowance, Medical allowance, Educational allowance and Travel allowance. So far, the MSP only covers the cost of production. Compare with the government employees who get a total of 108 allowances.

2) Since MSP benefits only 6 per cent farmers, it needs to be understood that the demand for providing 50 per cent profit over MSP will benefit only these 6 per cent farmers. For the remaining 94 per cent farmers, who are dependent on the exploitative markets, the need is to redesign the CACP into a Commission for Farmers Income and Welfare, with the mandate to provide a minimum assured monthly income package of Rs 18,000 to a farmer’s family. 

3) Public sector investments must come in urgently for constructing APMC mandis, and also for storage godowns. At present, there are only 7,700 APMC mandis. What India needs is to set up 42,000 mandis for every 5 kms radius. And like in Brazil, where it is mandatory for a market
yard to procure anything a farmer brings, APMC mandis should be quipped to do the same. #

The article was first published in the State of India's Environment 2018.


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