Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Call for Papers-The Peace Journalist

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

The Peace Journalist magazine is seeking submissions for our October, 2020 edition. 
The Peace Journalist is a semi-annual publication (print and .pdf) of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University in Parkville, Missouri. The Peace Journalist is dedicated to disseminating news and information for and about teachers, students, and practitioners of peace and conflict sensitive journalism.

Submissions are welcome from all. We seek submissions of 500-1500 words about peace media, peace and conflict sensitive journalism projects, and research into peace journalism and media and conflict.

Please submit your article via email to steve.youngblood@park.edu. 

Your article must have a strong media/peace, media/peacebuilding, and/or conflict sensitive journalism angle. The Peace Journalist does not run general articles about peace initiatives or projects.

The submission deadline is Sept. 3. However, it’s advisable to submit your article early, since space is always an issue.

To see copies of the most recent Peace Journalist, and to peruse past issues, go to:

Thank you in advance for your interest in the Peace Journalist.

Steven Youngblood
Editor, The Peace Journalist
Director, Center for Global Peace Journalism
Park University
Parkville, MO USA
Twitter: @PeaceJourn


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