Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Budget 2020: A lost opportunity

Farmers work very hard only to find they have been shortchanged. 

It’s a lost opportunity. At a time when a slump in rural spending had led to a decline in rural demand pulling down country’s GDP to less than 5 per cent, providing more money into the hands of rural population – where 70 per cent households are engaged in agriculture – was being considered to be the surest way to prop up the economy. At a time when rural consumption is at an all time low, strengthening public expenditure in rural areas would have given a much wanted stimulus to agriculture. 

Knowing that the slowdown was not because of global factors but was driven entirely by domestic reasons -- lack of demand and slackening investments – most economists had suggested pumping in more money by way of direct income support to farmers and farm workers. At a time when bottom 60 per cent of the population holds only 4.8 per cent of the nation’s wealth, enhancing the budgetary allocation under PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme was considered to be an ideal route. Although I had suggested increasing the PM-Kisan allocation by another Rs 1.50-lakh crore, which would mean a direct income support of Rs 1,500 for a farming family per month, I was thinking at least the government would double the annual allocation for farmers – from the existing Rs 6,000 to Rs 12,000 per year. In addition, the budgetary allocations under MNREGA were anticipated to go up from Rs 70,000-crores, to at least Rs 1-lakh crores to make a meaningful impact. After all, farm wages have dipped to a five year low. 

Not only that the Finance Minister failed to utilise PM-Kisan and MNREGA for creating more rural demand, which would have led to increased consumption thereby leading to a higher economic growth, agriculture and allied sectors, irrigation and rural development and panchayati raj too did not receive any quantum jump in budgetary allocations. The total budgetary provisions this year are at Rs 2.83-lakh crores, which is hardly an increase over last year’s revised estimates of Rs 2.68-lakh crores. The outlay for farm credit has however been increased from Rs 13.5-lakh crore last year, to Rs 15-lakh crore this year. Studies have meanwhile shown that 41 per cent small and marginal farmers do not still avail credit from scheduled commercial banks. What needs to be understood is that farmers do not need more credit. What he needs is a higher income. 

In fact, the budgetary allocation for food subsidy has come down from 1.84-lakh crore to 1.15-lakh crore this year. This has raised doubts whether the government is intending to withdraw from procurement operations. Many farmer groups have raised this concern. Since the Finance Minister in the very beginning of her speech talked of liberalising farmers markets, more concerns have cropped up over the reduction in food subsidy. This assumes importance in the wake of recent developments where the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) have recommended putting a stop to the open-ended food procurement policy. Already, Punjab and Haryana are under tremendous pressure to cut down on food procurement. Punjab has meanwhile amended the appropriate laws allowing for private sector participation and opening up for of private mandis.   

The 16-point action plan the Finance Minister spelled out as part of the Aspirational India that she talked about provides a roadmap for shifting to corporate agriculture. She said that the government would encourage those States which have implemented the three Model Acts that have been proposed earlier. These relate to land leasing law, market liberalisation and contract farming. Saying that agriculture needs to be made competitive, she listed a couple of programmes to double milk processing by 2025, increasing fish production to 200 lakh tonnes by 2025, integrating financing on warehousing receipts with e-NAM so as to encourage commodity trading. To launch Kisan Rail and Kisan Udaan for transporting perishable commodities too would be beneficial for agribusiness companies. Although much of the 16-point action plan that she listed have already been talked about in previous budgets but I didn't find any separate allocation for these programmes. .  

To lay out a roadmap for the direction of future agriculture is perfectly alright but there is a need to first ascertain how effective the pathway would be. Most of the reforms being brought in agriculture are borrowed from America and European Union. But what is not being explained is that if these policies were effective, why is it that agrarian distress in US/EU is at its peak? The spate of rural suicides in America, for instance is 45 per cent higher than the suicides in urban centres. Real farm income growth has been steadily on the decline in the US since the 1960s. India therefore needs to redesign agriculture in a way that it ushers in rural prosperity. #


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