Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Video Evidence Means Schools Cannot Hide Student Abuse-- Video Of Coach Pulling My Client Aggressively By Hair Opens Door To Action

By Michelle Ball, California Education Attorney for Students since 1995

One of the top stories in my area (Sacramento, California) and apparently around the globe, is that of the female student whose coach attempted to lift her out of the water by her hair at a swim meet.  The student was thereafter told that she was kicked off the swim team and stripped of her swim badges, all because she and another student swam half of their portion of a freestyle swim race.  The word "overkill" seems in order.

This incident has now gone global with internet access to the media.  The man involved, Geoff Capell, has now reportedly quit his position as assistant swim coach and the head swim coach (his daughter) remains.  This is BIG news and such actions can cause BIG problems for school districts.